Story Bytes, Issue #13, May 1997
64 Word Stories
A Computer-Generated Story by Looflirpa What's in a name? Perhaps everything. 256 Word Stories
A Face in the Doorway by M. Stanley Bubien Wasn't there a commercial once that went something like, "Parts is parts"?
Knock Knock by Kcp Some things, like beauty, are in the eye of the beholder.
This They Can Never Take by M. Stanley Bubien Justice, like riches is fleeting, but some things we always keep. 512 Word Stories
My Best Friend's Motorbike by M. Stanley Bubien It can take a lot to drive friends apart. 1024 Word Stories
On Eagle's Wings -- A Parable Inspired
by the Legends of the Kwaaymii Indians by M. Stanley BubienBecoming the chief of people takes falling and falling and falling. Serials
Episode 10 -- Bulldozer by M. Stanley Bubien One break, comin' up!
Story Bytes